Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

9 years Vet Asst work VS career shift 2024/7/14 18:14
Ifm 30 and have 9yrs experience in the veterinary field as an assistant with a career diploma as a veterinary assistant. I recently decided to switch careerfs and go back to school to be a teacher (havenft started classes as of yet) Question is would my age hinder my ability to get a work visa in Japan as a teacher with no work experience and only schooling or should I go back to school for an Associate in Veterinary Technology to increase my already known knowledge. Ifm also taking Japanese language classes and studying for the Japanese proficiency test.
by Vic (guest)  

Re: 9 years Vet Asst work VS career shift 2024/7/15 09:52
To teach what in Japan?

Teaching general subjects in elementary, junior high schools, etc would require a teaching license from a Japanese university. Teaching the English language (at ENglish conversation schools/businesses) would require that you are a native (or native-equivalent) speaker of the English language, and a bachelorfs or higher degree in any subject.

Vet-related jobs would require some local licensing too.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: 9 years Vet Asst work VS career shift 2024/7/15 10:07
If you want to teach English as an ELT then all you need is a degree of any specific kind.

However, you WILL not get a job as a teacher in Japan at an international school with no experience. I also don't see how you would work as a teacher in Japan at a local school without a Japanese qualification of some sorts.

Others can talk more about Japanese local schools than I as my expertise is international schools in Japan
by mfedley rate this post as useful

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