Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Yokote Kamakura - weather/snow situation? 2018/2/11 20:57
We meant to go to the Yokote Kamakura Snow Hut Festival next week, and now we wonder if there will be enough snow?
In Kanazawa there was plenty, and that was really nice (a few days ago). At present, we are in Nagano, and there is hardly any snow in the city . In Togakushi area, there was plenty, but already melting.
So we wonder whether Yokote is worth visiting at all?
Maybe someone in the forum has access to Akita / Yokote snow information, or is living in Akita / Yokote?
by Tokaido 2007  

Re: Yokote Kamakura - weather/snow situation? 2018/2/12 16:03
by ά˃уς (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokote Kamakura - weather/snow situation? 2018/2/12 22:17
I was under the impression that this here *is* the internet.
Sorry, I am neither interested in Twitter nor in Instagram, Facebook and ... you name it.

by Tokaido 2007 rate this post as useful

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