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Bus schedule from Ichinoseki to Genbikei 2015/12/27 15:30
I am planning to take the early bus to Genbikei Gorge from Ichinoseki Station coming autumn. I do not read japanesec Is there an updated time table, possible in English? I also read that there is a bus timetable for Genbikei Gorge available at the information centre in Ichinoseki Station. Is that true?
by Danny1976 (guest)  

Re: Bus schedule from Ichinoseki to Genbikei 2015/12/27 18:49
These are timetables (in Japanese) from Apr 30, 2015 to early Nov, 2015, issued on Apr 20 and 18, 2015.

So, it would be likely that the updates will be done next Apr, just before the Golden week.

At that time, try to download the files here:
For that, copy and paste the word k (Genbikei) to locate the correct links.

Usually, in Japan, a copy of timetables could be picked up at the information center. In this case, visit "wOē" (the left hand side of the west exit, just the back of the bus stop #9 for Genbikei):
by Luisjp rate this post as useful

Re: Bus schedule from Ichinoseki to Genbikei 2015/12/27 22:43
Thank you very much. Perhaps I will ask again after April 2016. Hope to get a more updated info that time. Happy New Year 2016 to u. Cheers!
by Danny1976 (guest) rate this post as useful

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