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Osorezan temple stay 2019/1/27 19:36
I'm really interested in booking a temple stay at Osorezan (Aomori), however, I can't find anywhere where I might be able to make a booking. I've found a possible phone number, but I don't speak enough Japanese to be able to phone in to make a reservation. :(
by pdpa (guest)  

Re: Osorezan temple stay 2019/1/28 13:29
Below is some information on accommodation in Osore-zan.

Try seeking help from the Mutsu City Tourist Association.

by William5 rate this post as useful

Re: Osorezan temple stay 2019/1/28 15:17
I went about 1,5 years ago and really enjoyed it. But I only found the phone number. Maybe the Mutsu tourist board can help you (or any of your previous hotels)

Enjoy your stay!
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Osorezan temple stay 2019/1/28 16:59
I've found a possible phone number, but I don't speak enough Japanese to be able to phone in to make a reservation. :(

As mentioned there is only phone reservation.

TEL 0175-22-3825
FAX 0175-22-3402

I think you are afraid of mis-communication due to language barrier. Don't worry. The receptionist is also afraid of that. Perhaps he/she can't speak foreign language (other than Japanese: they must be fluent in Shimokita dialect but also speak some normal Japanese). The main work of the receptionist is to receive reservation, so you just need to tell him/her a few things: Your name, number of persons (male and female), and the date. I think these can be mostlly in English.

My name is John Doe.
We are 2 persons. (One male and one female :This is somewhat difficult part. You can say also one gentleman and one lady, or one boy and one girl.)
We want to stay 1 night from san (3) gatsu juusan (13) nichi. (You might better use Japanese numbering of the date).
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

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