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How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/24 00:13
Ifm half japanese & half filipino. Never been to japan. I would like to work there. How can I get a visa? How can I be a citizen there? Thank you for answering
by Valuableafternoon  

Re: How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/24 10:33
You have never been there yet you want to work and become a citizen there?

I suggest getting a tourist visa and visit a couple of times first.

Finish any college education in your home country and obtain a skill for living. Learn some Japanese. You will have a bad time if you don't have any of these.

by James Y (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/24 10:50
I'm a college graduate. I'm currently studying nihongo too. I'm just not sure where to begin. Like how to get a tourist visa such as like that. Do I need to have like a show money to get there?
by Valuableafternoon rate this post as useful

Re: How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/24 11:19
Are you living in the Philippines I'm guessing? If so, I know it's a bit more difficult for people to apply to work in Japan if you're thinking of coming to Japan.

As the other guy said, I would first apply to just visit and see how it is. I'd never want to move to a country that I've never visited before. It's not all glamorous like anime shows. Work life in Japan is VERY hard.

I think in the philippines you need to have some kind of sponsorship by an agency or a friend, but I'd double check online and try to apply to visit first.
by Al (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/24 12:04
If you are half Japanese start with finding out if you have actually a right already for a Japanese passport. Ask you Japanese parent if she / he registered you upon birth. And then take it from there. If you are already Japanese then you just need to get an actual passport and all is sorted. If not, you might be eligible for a gchild of Japaneseh visa.

Obviously coming to Japan first to see if you really want to live here or not is good advise if you have the financial means for it.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/24 14:53
If you only have a philippino passport:

This is "Visa " page of the Japanese embassy in the Philippines, click on the type of visa you're interested in and it will show you the requirements.
by Mellye rate this post as useful

Re: How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/24 17:57
OP might be Japanese even if she/he doesnft have a Japanese passport in hand. Thus best to speak with the Japanese parent to find out more. (Note, many Japanese in Japan also donft have a valid passport as you only need it for traveling abroad and many Japanese donft travel abroad. ) thus owning a passport or not isnft the deciding factor if someone is Japanese or not.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/24 20:36
I think, when a person asks this kind of question for random people, he/she already lost the communication with a Japanese parent and he/she does not know how to deal with those problems.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How can I get a visa to go to japan 2024/7/25 14:12
My father passed away when I was little thus I never been to japan. Since, I'm currently taking up a japanese class. My classmates would often asked me like why would I need it since I have a japanese blood. That It wouldn't be hard for me to get a visa. But for me, I don't know how. My name is japanese too. I got it from my father. Thank you for your advises.
by Valuableafternoon rate this post as useful

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