Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/13 10:32

@Deep thanks for your answer.

I will submit my documents next week, I think I don't have any missing documents. My only concern is my Japanese since I am not a super fluent speaker.

I was just wondering if is it possible for them to refuse my application during the submitting documents stage or later after the test/interview ?

I will have more time in the meantime to prepare for the interview and test I was just hoping to don't get rejected before getting the interview..

Does anyone have any insights?

Thanks !

by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/14 05:41

My application for Saitama was submitted in November of last year and I had an interview in February of this year.I am still waiting for the results.

When did you have the home visit ?
Are you still waiting for the results?
Did you have the confirmation call?

Thank you.
by KK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/15 15:04

When did you have the home visit ?
No home visit
Are you still waiting for the results?
Did you have the confirmation call?

Did you have any contact from homukyuko after interview?

Thank you.
by Nipking (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/18 00:45

Thank you for your reply.
Yes. I was required to submit some additional documents.
I have been waiting for the results since I submitted the documents.
by KK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/18 00:54

Are there any updates?

Thank you.
by KK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/19 12:23
@ia ,

Hi ia, You said you will submit your documents this week at the Saitama Homukyoku.Please update us after submitting the documents. I will submit mine too next month at Saitama homokyoku.
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/19 12:26
Hi @sucess

I am submitting my documents in Tokyo not Saitama ! I will update you anyway !

by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/20 14:00
@ia thank you.

Is it your second or third consultation ?
Because I will have my second consultation next month. I was told to fill out the forms with pencil and after my second consultation if everything is okay I will use pen to refill it and submit.That will be my third.

And about the bank book.
How many duration do you have to make photocopy?
Is it for a year or all the current and the previous bank passbooks ?
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/20 14:34
Hi Success

- it is my second consultation, the first consultation they just told me what documents to bring.

- Oh I see they haven't told me about using a pencil yet !

- For the bank book I think it s for a year, from August 2023 to August 2024 for example !

by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/20 15:05
@ ia,thanks again bro.

Oh so you didnft receive the application forms and all the forms you have to fill out from homukyoku yet?
I got the forms on my first consultation and I the list of documents I need to get.
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/20 17:28
Hi Success

- They didn't give me any form just the list of the docs I need to bring !

- Also, at the first consultation they gave me a short test but it's not the main one just to check if I can write katakana hiragana I guess, if they gave me this test/not test at the first consultation there's no reason to give me another one during my 2nd consultation right ?
by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/20 20:37

Since they took the test and you were giving the list, I think you donft have to worry much about the test until youfre given the documents to fill out and submit it,after about 6months you will be call for interview.Thatfs when you will consider thinking about the test. I think they will tell you if you will take another test or not when you submit every docs including the application forms.
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/21 07:56
Hi everyone,

Any update ?
Is there anyone who recently got results?
by SR (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/22 10:44

I'd like to join the discussion here. This is my timeline.

Submission of application: autumn 2023
Interview: spring 2024
Status: waiting
Additional info: I called the houmukyoku in my area (western Japan) to clarify some things and they said there are no issues with my concerns.
In the same conversation, they mentioned that some time has passed since my interview.
they asked me about any changes to my address, and job. I said no changes. They asked me about if I have any new children. I said no. they asked me if I have any plans of going overseas soon. I said no.

Is this the same as the confirmation phone call?
Is this a good sign?

I'm a bit nervous and hoping for a positive result.
by Maybe (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/22 14:29
I join the conversation to share my own experience if it can help.

About me : French, living in Japan for 12 years, married to a Japanese men.

First consultation : may 2021
Second consultation : january 2023
Application : april 2023
Interview : august 2023

No home visit, no Japanese test.

Current statut : waiting for the recepisse and certificate of lost of nationality application from French embassy to submit it to the homukyoku and get the result.

My timeline is pretty loose because of childbirth + difficulties to get some documents from Japan + laziness (I'm not in a hurry) but I would be happy if it can help someone
(and for the french people, a detailed timeline is available on my blog).

Feel free to ask questions.
by BeneFukuoka (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/23 12:23
I submitted my application yesterday at Kudanshita, it was alright but they asked me to provide my boss's phone number.

However, I haven't told my boss or anyone else about my naturalization process because it's private. Has anyone here received a call from their caseworker at their workplace?

It would really bother me if that happens....
by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/23 13:57

I believe this is a usual process to assess your workplace behavior, but it typically doesn't involve the boss's phone number. They asked for my company phone number, and I think they check with HR about my work-related performance and character. The person they contact could vary, depending on the workplace—it might be the boss or someone else in the company.

Good luck, and I wish everyone all the very best!

For your information, I took my final interview on January 21st and am still waiting for the final response. If anyone applied earlier this year in Tokyo and has received their final result, please share your status. This would be helpful for everyone to get an idea of the process.

by Spread Good rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/26 14:32
Hi Spread Good,

thank you for your answer. Do they call your company before or after the interview ?

and good luck for the results !

by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/27 12:13

I wasn't asked for my boss phone number but I had to give them my company number (but I'm sure they didn't called). If you work for a small company which don't have HR I think it's common to ask the number of someone in charge.

You can tell your tantosha that you didnt told your company about the naturalization because of privacy but that won't stop them to call if they want to. They might even think it's susupicious.

However, I think it would be better to tell someone in your comany about it and they have to expect a call from homukyoku so they won't be surprised and won't misunderstood. Do you know about "Horenso" (hokoku, renraku sodan). It's the key in Japan :)

Good luck !
by BeneFukuoka (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/27 14:58
Hi BeneFukuoka

Thanks for your answer! (I didn't know about horenso I just checked on google lol).

Well, I'll see how I can tell them about it...

Good luck everyone ~!

by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

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