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Gyukatsu or Kobe Beef 2023/2/15 15:45
I will be travelling to Osaka with three other members some time in May this year. Only one of us eats beef and I am wondering if there is any place where gyukatsu or kobe beef is served along with other meat/seafood options. Thank you.
by Esther (guest)  

Re: Gyukatsu or Kobe Beef 2023/2/21 18:24
Sorry I cant give you a name. Ultimately though I dont think you will have any trouble at all finding a restaurant that serves beef as well as other options such as seafood, especially in Osaka which is essentially wall to wall restaurants. I would just ask at the hotel reception for a recommendation, or wander around until you find one. As an example, this one seems to have what you want

Just bear in mind (you probably know this already) that there is plenty of different beef around, Kobe beef is well known but from memory we had Hiroshima beef in Osaka (couldnt tell the difference but it was very nice), there is also a speciality beef at Hikone (couldnt tell the difference), and Hida beef. So I suppose that if you are after Kobe beef in particular you might have to be more specific.
by Lazy Pious (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Gyukatsu or Kobe Beef 2023/2/22 19:56
Thank you. I actually do not know much about beef but you have a point. Gotta walk around and see whatfs there rather than trying to make a booking in advance. My experience tells me that the food there is generally good anyway.
by Esther Lim (guest) rate this post as useful

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