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Direct bus from Noboribetsu to Lake Toya 2023/8/22 15:14

I cannot seem to find any detailed information on the direct bus from Noboribetsu to Lake Toya. Can you provide me on the details like where to board the bus and the bus schedule. thanks
by Nic (guest)  

Re: Direct bus from Noboribetsu to Lake Toya 2023/8/22 15:46
Are you sure such a direct bus exists? I have never heard of one and can't find any information.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Direct bus from Noboribetsu to Lake Toya 2023/8/22 22:30

This is what I see. 1hr bus ride.
by Nic (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Direct bus from Noboribetsu to Lake Toya 2023/8/23 06:59
Probably it is this bus

This Kosoku-Iburi starts 4/29/2016. But it is canceled as of 3/17/2020.

This is temporary cancel announcement, but it seems the bus company discontinued it as of 4/1/2021.

by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Direct bus from Noboribetsu to Lake Toya 2023/8/23 17:06
I am afraid that direct bus was another victim of COVID.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Direct bus from Noboribetsu to Lake Toya 2023/8/24 02:39
Ic. Thanks all for your help
by Nic (guest) rate this post as useful

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