Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Finding a place in Fukuoka 2024/8/8 14:46
I've been trying to find a place to stay in Fukuoka for the past few weeks. Currently a university student, so funds are a bit tight. I've looked through suumo, lifefull, homes, and other websites, but places are pretty expensive, and I think I missed out on good deals by not searching earlier. Also have gone to agencies in person but they're pretty pricey as well.

Anyone know any places to stay/ any suggestions as to where to find places? My budget as of now is below 45k monthly including rent, management, etc and an initial cost of less than 150k. Looking to move in before 31st August. It's usually the initial cost that screws me over honestly.

Appreciate the help, please let me know if anyone knows anything.
Thank you.
by PM (guest)  

Re: Finding a place in Fukuoka 2024/8/8 18:24
As a big city in Japan, Fukuoka is very cheap place, as compared to Tokyo. Itfs about 1/3 to 1/2. I checked ghomesh

for central Fukuoka, map view, less than 40 k, including management fee, no key money, no deposit and found many.

One example.

35 k yen. 24.37 m^2. No management fee. No key money. No deposit. 10 min walk to JR Hakata station.
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