Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

IC card to Fujinomiya 5th Station 2024/7/22 19:44
I will hike the Fujinomiya trail for Mt. Fuji and am wondering if the bus from Fujinomiya Station to Fujinomiya 5th Station can accept IC cards (Suica or Pasmo)? I am not able to find any information online about it. Thanks!
by Sandy (guest)  

Re: IC card to Fujinomiya 5th Station 2024/7/23 09:55
The bus company that operates the buses to the Fujinomiya 5th Station does usually accept Pasmo/Suica, but on their website they mention that there are some lines, on which the cards are not accepted. Considering that the buses to the 5th Station are seasonal, I could imagine that they may be among those exceptions. But I can't confirm.
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