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COE got rejected, sad and worried 2024/8/31 17:36
Long story short

I am a 24 years old guy from Saudi, I started studying Japanese in late 2022, a year passed and in late 2023 I passed the JLPT N3, graduated college in June 2024, decided to go for a year in Japan to study in a language school for a year, I applied everything as my father was the sponsor, he is a retired engineer and does his own business now so I applied his pension certificate, his business's papers, bank statements, everything was on point. However it got rejected and the reason was the credibility of the "Commercial Records" there was a paper called "Commercial Records" but there was a misspelling in the word "Records" and it was written "Receods" they confirmed that the issue and the rejection reason was this paper but I do not know if it is really the spelling, the women from my language school who is applying my papers said to me we can appeal the decision if you want, and of course I said yes.

is it possible to get rejected and appeal and then get accepted within 2-3 months? I really wanted to start in October as planned but it seems that appealing the decision may take some time, does any body have an experience of getting rejected and accepted, or do things get complicated with one rejection.

also let's say that the appeal got accepted, but October has already passed. Will they issue a new COE starting from the date that they accepted, but my language school already started the academic year, will I be granted a COE for a different school? or what is happening

last question is, worst case scenario everything get rejected and I have to wait 6 months for a re-apply right? but when this 6 months period passed it will be FEB 2025, can I apply for April 2025 term in FEB? or is it possible to re-apply for the COE in your 6 month period but the application is for the future? I hope I was clear with my last question

it is really frustrating if the issue was the spelling of the words because the rest of the papers are accepted, and it was not even my fault it was a paper issued from the Ministry's website automatically. but I guess everything happens for a reason.
by LaYami  

Re: COE got rejected, sad and worried 2024/9/1 07:11
The COE is for the specific school so you canft study somewhere else.

Speak with the school if they allow you to join mid course. But you say you already passed N3 so probably the school can accept you midway through as you are not a beginner
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