Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Working Holiday Visum for 2025 2024/8/7 23:30
Hello everyone,
would like to go to Japan with a friend for about 6 months after graduate from high school. Since we can't afford it, we want to apply for the Working Holiday Visa. of course, have already read up on what is required. That shouldn't be a problem, but my friend and only have very rudimentary Japanese skills. I would like to know what your experiences are and whether you would definitely use an organization for this.
by GamblersFish (guest)  

Re: Working Holiday Visum for 2025 2024/8/8 10:14
Which country are you coming from? When it comes to working holiday visas, it also depends on your field of study and what kind of job you're trying to get into. There are a lot of specifics when it involves that kind of visa, but I'm guessing you've already looked into everything.

Have you ever visited Japan before? I understand you want to come and visit, though do keep in mind that visiting Japan and working are two entirely different things. The work life in Japan is very stressful. Even if you think you'll enjoy it, it's probably best to take a holiday first to see what you think of Japan.

I know you mentioned you can't afford traveling for 6 months, but also keep in mind that if your purpose is only to come to Japan just to see what it's like and to work for 6 months, a lot of employers don't really like employing people who just got out of high school and don't intend to stay and work in the company. Just giving some friendly advice due to experience having worked in Japan before.

Maybe you could first work and save up enough money for a couple of weeks and see how you like Japan before just deciding to work in Japan. You could always consult with whatever company that you're looking to work in and see what they would say.
by Al (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visum for 2025 2024/8/8 12:44
WHV is exactly for people in your situation. I am sure you can find some blogs or other of people describing their experiences. I run into some WHV people every now and then. And my general impression is that you can get labor jobs that donft really pay a wage but give you a place to stay and covers your daily needs. Maybe something on a farm or other. Once you are gin the circuit g You get to know other WHV holders and they have tips.

Japanese language is definitely not a requirement. However it obviously depends on what kind of job you want to do. Working on a farm: no Japanese needed. Being a Japanese - English translator, everything changes. But Ifd say the vast majority of WHV donft know any/very little Japanese.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visum for 2025 2024/8/8 14:35
Thanks for your response.
First I am a German citizen.
And I also travelled ones to japan.
And this journey was so nice that I want to visit Japan again but for a much longer time than just 3 weeks.

I also have some specific questions.
1. How complicated is it to get a tax identification number?

2. Is it complicated to get an bank account?

3. How do I get an long-term accomodation (like a small apartment).

Thanks in advance for your help.

by GamblersFish (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visum for 2025 2024/8/9 16:31
Itfs great that youfre planning a Working Holiday in Japan! While basic Japanese skills can be a challenge, many people manage successfully with minimal Japanese, especially if they're open to learning on the go. Using an organization can be helpful for guidance and support, especially if youfre unsure about the process. Have you considered looking into language courses or local expat communities once youfre there? They can be great resources for improving your skills and settling in.

by abuislam rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visum for 2025 2024/8/9 17:54
Thank you very much for your answer.
Everything is clear. But is it possible, for example, to find a job yourself or get a tax ID? Even if you only have basic Japanese skills. I am currently learning Japanese and will soon be attending an adult education course. Of course I would prefer to do everything myself, but is that even possible and could someone give me some tips?

Many thanks in advance

by GamblersFish (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Working Holiday Visum for 2025 2024/8/9 22:08
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

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