Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Japanese family rights; marriage, divorce etc 2024/6/14 19:04
A Swedish citizen (male) marries a Japanese citizen (female) in Japan.
After some months/a year they want to get a divorce. Do both parts have to agree to carry out the divorce?
Does the Swedish male need to pay the woman a maintenance?
Can you write a prenuptial agreement before getting married. To whom could you turn to In Japan to write such an agreement.
If the have a child together and get divorced, does the Swedish male have to pay a maintenance for the child even though the woman refuses him to see the child?
by Ulla (guest)  

Re: Japanese family rights; marriage, divorce etc 2024/6/16 04:15
Do you still live in japan ?which city?
Do you still spouse of japanese citizen?
by Masahero (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese family rights; marriage, divorce etc 2024/6/16 12:57
Just as far as I know (no legal expert here)

- Divorce: under the Japanese law, there are divorces based on mutual agreement, and lawsuits (for a cause).
- Prenup: not common in Japan, but if you want to get something written, then a law firm or a public notary can help you with that.

- Maintenance for the wife: that would depend on the couple and what they agree to.
- Maintenance (for a child) - Ifm assuming you are talking about child support?: the parents have obligations for the child, even if the marriage is dissolved, so I would say hefd have to. I do hear some cases of the dad fighting to get visitation rights. In Japan the legislation has been that only one parent gets custody, but that is going to change to allow joint custody as well.
by AK rate this post as useful

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