Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/4/4 00:53
I have changed my job during my naturalization process. Will it create any problem?
by Xxx (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/4/4 12:25
Thank you for the Link sent.It’s really helpful.
After reading the information from the website, I think I don’t need to get personal information from the immigration because.It’s only about IN and OUT of japan,status change,….

I thought it contained my details,family and information I applied for COE before coming to Japan.
Thank you Sandy
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/4/4 12:27
Then I should almost start preparing for the test even though the person I called to make the first consultation didn’t tell me I will take a test.
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/4/4 19:04

Yes, you can start preparation.. Eventually they will take test either at the time of first consultation or at the time of document submission. If you wish you can call them up and check if you need to take test at the time of first consultation or later or no test at all.
by RajFromIndia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/4/8 17:29
Hi, I'm planning on starting my Naturalization journey this year. I'll start after I receive my new VISA as my company will sponsor me to go for 5 years. (Around June)

I tried to consult a scrivener but he told me that the waiting line in Tokyo Homukyoku is pretty long right now. Is anyone applying at the same as time as me? Is it true that applications won't start until September?

by Munazuki (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/4/18 13:10
Hello Guys,

Hope all doing well and enjoying sakura.

Does anyone received the documents / result (不許可、許可)from houmukyoku by post?
by Sandy4Naturalization rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/5/5 17:44
@ Everyone

Any Update ?
by Dos (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/5/10 00:53
Hello everyone
I ve appointment in tokyo chiyoda Homukyoku next month.
Any applying there recently wondering about the timeline? How long it takes in average?

by Mrtial rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/5/17 15:10
Hey guys, Does it mean that anyone who apply for naturalization in Saitama legal affairs has to take Japanese test?
If there’s a test,Is it done on the first consultation day or later when call for an interview after submission of all your documents?
Any idea please?
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/5/20 15:58
hello everyone good afternoon
now days nobody is active in this page why is everyone get jpanese passport ?
is anyone here who apply second time if someone please tell your experience .
by james (gop) (guest) rate this post as useful

Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/1 22:44
I applied in 2022 july 19 and interview was held on November. Next year 2023 in January there was a road accident and submitted all types of paper of an accident but still there is no any result of naturalization. Is there any one who can explain about this situation? How much dies it take to come out the result?
by Dpak (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/10 10:58

I have First consultation at Saitama legal affairs next week. Can anyone let me know what do they ask in Test? (especially for Kanji writing)
Do they ask to write small essay with Kanji?
If you have applied in some other prefecture then also let me know what they asked in test.

I will appreciate if someone can help. Thanks in advance.

by SaitamaApplicant (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/12 15:14
Hi Saitama App….
Contact me privately
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/12 18:55
Hi Success,

Thanks for your reply.
Not sure how I can contact in private.
Do you know the way to message privately?
by SaitamaApplicant (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/15 15:15
what will be the reason for delay the result.. it almost 2 years... i had applied my documents in april 4 2022 and held interview in september 11 2022.. after that they called for extra document in march 2023 after that no calls nothing.. what will be the reason for this? is this neutralization takes that much time? if anyone who knws abt this situation plzz sugest me what should i do?
by beek rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/15 15:16
what will be the reason for delay the result.. it almost 2 years... i had applied my documents in april 4 2022 and held interview in september 11 2022.. after that they called for extra document in march 2023 after that no calls nothing.. what will be the reason for this? is this neutralization takes that much time? if anyone who knws abt this situation plzz sugest me what should i do?
by beek rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/15 15:16
what will be the reason for delay the result.. it almost 2 years... i had applied my documents in april 4 2022 and held interview in september 11 2022.. after that they called for extra document in march 2023 after that no calls nothing.. what will be the reason for this? is this neutralization takes that much time? if anyone who knws abt this situation plzz sugest me what should i do?
by beek rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/17 10:17
Hi SaitamaApp……

Rash.O.D ファラム on FACEBOOK
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/22 14:33
My timeline of naturalization for reference :

1st visit to houmukyoku: 17th January 2023
Called for second round with family : April 2023
Had a Japanese test , document verification.
Tax certificates were not recent so they asked to come with latest one.

Third round of document verification : June 2023
all documents were verified but still no submission , few missing documents.

Final submission of documents : July 2023
July end- August mid : business trip out of Japan for 1 month ( informed them about schedule and all and called them after returning to Japan )

August 2023 end : phone call to me and my wife ( it was a telephonic interview )
15 minutes for me 10 min for wife.
Questions and all were casual type.

1st week November 2023 : call from houmukyoku to check on if any plan to travel , any changes in job , address etc.
I was pretty sure that it’s a good sign to get a call like this means it’s approved.

2nd week of November 2023: Call from houmukyoku ( date of birth for my father wasn’t correct so have to confirm it )
Same time told them that I have travel plan in December.

December end 2023- January 2024 : had to travel abroad for 1 month so informed houmukyoku about travel.

And finally
Mid- April 2024 : final approval and name in Kanpou

All the best for those who are waiting for their results.
It takes time but for sure , one day you will get a good news which everyone is waiting for.
by Sandy4Naturalization rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/6/23 13:40
@ Sandy4Naturalization
Congratulations! I am glad to hear that you have finally received the good news. You have been waiting for a long time, and your perseverance has paid off.

I applied after you and got my result before you, so I can only imagine the patience and resilience you have shown throughout this process. Seeing your long wait come to a fruitful end makes me incredibly happy.

Unfortunately, how to connect apart from this website is tricky.
Next steps, after you apply for passport , you should cancel your indian citizenship and etc
This took me bit which i request you to do it immediatly after you receive your Japanese Passport
by Naturalization in progress (guest) rate this post as useful

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