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Fresh seafood… which one is better 2023/4/19 16:56
I am planning to travel to Kansai area but I feel like Kuromon Market is not good enough on its freshness and prices. With JR pass I am planning to go for either Sea of Japan Fish Market in Tsuruga or Kuroshio Market in Wakayama. Since I will be in Kyoto and Osaka so transportation is not a problem.

But which one is better?
by LBF  

Since no one seems to be replying 2023/4/22 13:15
I haven't actually been to any of the three markets, but I think most people won't be able to tell the difference of the seafood quality between them. It's just a matter of city, Sea of Japan and Pacific.

On the other hand, pickier people may tend to choose one for the restaurants or season. Professionals, of course, would know more about the nakagainin.

What are you specifically aiming for? Do you want to eat sashimi and sushi on the spot? Do you want to buy a whole fish to cook for yourself? If so, what kind of fish or meal?

If it were up to me, I prefer the Sea of Japan side for quality sushi in reasonable prices, not only because of the fish but because of the rice. But then, I've always wanted to travel to Wakayama because the ocean is so beautiful looking from an airplane window. Meanwhile, you can't beat the excitement of a market in the city.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Fresh seafood… which one is better 2023/4/24 16:09
I have been to Kuroshio Market and Kuromon Ichiba.
* Kuromon Ichiba is way more touristic, but offers more places.
* Kuroshino is lot less (foreign) tourists, but kinda small. You can buy things there and grill it on own stoves. Fish seems more fresh there. But again, it is not very big.
by Glimpigumpi rate this post as useful

Re: Fresh seafood… which one is better 2023/4/26 16:00
What I am looking for is most likely sashimi and crabs (Matsuba Crab preferably) since I am planning to go there in November. I prefer having them raw as I can go to famous restaurants if I want to have cooked ones.
by LBF rate this post as useful

Re: Fresh seafood… which one is better 2023/5/28 17:47
well if matsuba crab is what you want, then of course you should rather go to tottori reagon.

this will be your place:

if you dont want to eat at the market, here is a very good recommendation for a restaurant:
by Glimpigumpi rate this post as useful

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