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Does this get you banned from entering Japan? 2024/9/22 13:59
Hey, this is incredibly embarassing to ask, but on my last Japan trip I got too drunk and have a lack of memory for a few hours and just woke up in my hotel room.
When i looked at my phone it had google translator opened with the sentence "Please just wait i will go to the ATM and get money". Since i absolutly have no idea what was happening when i wrote this, but i my bank account shows no withdrawl,i fear that i might have been in a bar or something like this drank a few drinks and then left without paying (I am no human that would ever do something like this on purpose, I would just have probably forgot that i wanted to go to an ATM the moment i was outside). Since i have absolutly no idea where i was at this time i had no chance of finding the bar to settle this.

If that did really happen, and the people from the bar actually went to the police and they somehow found out who I am, do you think this would mean getting denied entry from now on, when trying to entering Japan?

Thanks in advance.
by phx0 (guest)  

Re: Does this get you banned from entering Japan? 2024/9/23 07:19
Well , I missed (by accident) to pay my phone bill (I had still a Japanese phone card when I had moved back to Europe). Somehow my Japanese credit card stopped making the monthly payments. I hadnft even noticed. Finally a letter from a lawyer arrived to my work in Japan. Because I had set my address to my work address. When I finally got the letter I went to the phone company paid them what was due. And all fine. Since then I have been back to Japan in a temporary visa multiple times and on a resident visa since 2+ years. My bank also doesnft see this slip as relevant and approved a huge housing loan.

So, looking at that experience I wouldnft say itfs a problem. And frankly that sentence could have other meanings as well:
- eg you wanted to enter somewhere (karaoke clubc) but didnft have money
- someone asked you for money

I hope you learned to control your drinking regardless.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Does this get you banned from entering Japan? 2024/9/23 09:44
Doubt you'll have any issues. You would've known if you where in trouble with the law or not.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Does this get you banned from entering Japan? 2024/9/23 09:53
Ah the anonymity of the internet. And from what you have described, it sounds as though you were also anonymous when this happened.

As such, I highly doubt that a shady bar would go to the police when they were probably doing something shady themselves....
by mfedley rate this post as useful

Re: Does this get you banned from entering Japan? 2024/9/23 18:37
The first thing that came to my mind was the same thing that Mfedley mentioned. You can learn to control your drinking, but you should also be careful which bar to chose, especially when you're alone. Japan is not as safe as many people think it is. If you're worried, you can visit your local Japanese Embassy in advance, but I don't think you have to.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Does this get you banned from entering Japan? 2024/9/24 12:23
A common scam is to be invited into a bar with the promise of cheap drinks or whatever then they upcharge you and don't allow you to leave until you pay the outrageous bill ... perhaps this is what happened to you, but the person running the scam got fed up and just cut their losses??
by PatrickSF rate this post as useful

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