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Do churches in Amakusa have English services? 2023/8/30 19:06
Are the churches in Amakusa historical relics or do they still house active worship services in Japanese? Also, do any of these churches have English-speaking worship services?
by Frosti  

Re: Do churches in Amakusa have English services? 2023/8/31 15:06
Are the churches in Amakusa historical relics or do they still house active worship services in Japanese?

I'm not sure which church you're referring to, but even the world heritage church provides Sunday mass, weddings and funerals. Touristic visits should be avoided during these events.

Also, do any of these churches have English-speaking worship services?

Good question. I'm afraid I couldn't find the answer, but Catholic churches (as opposed to other Christian churches in Japan) tend to attract a lot of foreign residents, and therefore do tend to provide mass in various languages.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Do churches in Amakusa have English services? 2023/8/31 16:29
Thanks for that info! I love figs so I better get myself down there before the end of September! I can't read japanese so I can't tell if there are specific event dates or just a bunch of various vendors selling fig themed items throughout the month.

Also, do you think I should book a dolphin tour or would I be able to catch some dolphins by taking a misumi ferry, and then take a bus to my destination from the port? I won't have a car so how many nights should I allot for a trip in amakusa?
by Frosti rate this post as useful

Re: Do churches in Amakusa have English services? 2023/8/31 17:13

The links I posted are both in English, with English being optional in the second link.

I'm afraid I can't answer your other questions, but I hope someone else can.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Do churches in Amakusa have English services? 2023/9/1 05:12
This is not a 100% accurate answer, but when I visited this area (including the churches) a few years ago I found it to be rather bereft of people and did not see an international tourist on the few days I was in the area.

As such, I doubt there would be an English service if we are talking about the Amakusa Islands
by mfedley rate this post as useful

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