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Fukui (Nov 2023) 2023/7/30 20:21
Hi all,
I want to do a day trip to Fukui on the 11th of Nov which is a Saturday. I see there is a weekend bus that runs more frequently but I'm also mindful that the places I want to go to are all so far away from each other so I am tossing up between some places.

Has anyone been to Eiheji temple and Echizen Daibutsu?
Which would you recommend and why?
I am also going to the dinosaur museum so I am leaning towards seeing Echizen Daibutsu and seeing the view from the tallest pagoda as they are in closer proximity.

I also want to visit the Asakura clan ruins - is this worthwhile?

If i visited the dinosaur museum , echizen daibutsu or eiheji and the clan ruins in 1 day, is that too ambitious?

and if anyone has any suggestions for restaurants and transport options to visit these places, that would be great.

Thank you

by Alc17  

Re: Fukui (Nov 2023) 2023/7/31 10:35
Has anyone been to Eiheji temple and Echizen Daibutsu?
Which would you recommend and why?

Eiheiji is one of Japan's most important temple (the headquarters of a Zen sect), very atmospheric, and with hundreds of years of history. The Echizen Daibutsu is a grotesque, recent structure built by a successful taxi company president. I found both of them highly impressive in their ways. Which one you prefer depends on your personal interest.

I also want to visit the Asakura clan ruins - is this worthwhile?

It is my personal favourite in the area, but then again I have a deep interest in Japanese history and get super excited about unique ruins like that. If your interests in that area aren't so developed, it may not be worth it. The recent addition of the new museum made it even better.

If i visited the dinosaur museum , echizen daibutsu or eiheji and the clan ruins in 1 day, is that too ambitious?

It is no problem if you rent a car. With public transportation getting around will be considerably more time-consuming. I have not looked into the details, but I suspect that you would probably need to start the day early and travel at a moderate to fast pace.
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