Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!
Re: COE processing times
2024/9/30 17:10
Really sorry to hear about this. If it makes you feel any better, this has just happened to me as well, and I had to reapply after a 9 month wait due to a similar situation. It was one of the worst things I've ever felt in my life especially at the start, but with a renewed confidence it does feel better and you gain a sense of strength that helps you push through a little longer, or at least from my experience. Now I'm almost at the finish line, and I pray you get there as well. Take care of yourself and these 2-3 months will pass in a blink :)
by SDB (guest)
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Re: COE processing times
2024/9/30 18:31
I haven't received or get any notification from my company regarding my coe yet, I will keep updated to you when I get mine.
by Perry (guest)
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Re: osaka immigration
2024/9/30 18:50
I applied on june 26 osaka immigration. Till now no additional documents asked. Is there anybody who applied in osaka immigration on june month??
by namaskaram
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Re: COE processing times
2024/9/30 22:06
@SDB @John
Thank you both so much for your kind words. I'm not 100% at ease yet since my company's finance are not going too good, not sure if immkigr. But well! It's no use worrying, the application is in immi's hands, for real now, I'll see their judgment when I get the results.
by Enha
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Re: COE processing times
2024/9/30 22:09
Whoops my message got posted too quickly. What I wanted to say in my second sentence: I'm not 100% at ease yet since my company's finance are not going too good, not sure if immigration will look kindly on that. But well! It's no use worrying, the application is in immi's hands, for real now, I'll see their judgment when I get the results.
by Enha
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 03:05
End of April, Osaka immigration... still waiting... my boss sends updates frequently but the updates are still "there are no updates"..
by EndofApril (guest)
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 15:22
Anyone COE recived from nagoya immigration please update
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 15:42
Is there anyone who has received a COE from Tokyo immigration for a work visa, especially for IT engineers? I applied for a COE with my first company and received it, but I didnft go with them. My second sponsor company applied for my COE on May 28th, but I havenft received any updates from immigration yet. Has anyone experienced something similar?
by May 28 applicant (guest)
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 18:57
Mine is 20th may and still waiting....
Engineering/Humanities Visa Osaka Immigration No Additional Documents
by Perry (guest)
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 19:52
My is 16 may 2024 No additional documents Work visa Osaka immigration Still waiting waiting waiting waiting......
How much time to wait I don't know
by Xyz (guest)
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 19:59
When you look up the previous thread under the name May_ if I'm not mistaken, his coe have been issued... He also applied the same date as yours which 16th may osaka immigration but with engineering /Humanities Visa like mine... That's already last week and I really don't know why mine and yours is still waiting.....
by Perry (guest)
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 21:37
Nationality: French I have already lived one year in Japan with a student visa.
My company applied for the COE on the 15th of July. We are still waiting, they don't have any info to give us.
I was supposed to go on the 1st of october but we had to report to the 1st of november.
I am losing hope when I read some of the messages. I have waited for 2 months and 2 weeks without any update.
Would you know why is it taking so long?
by isabelle (guest)
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 22:42
Hello fellow French!
Assuming your application was filed at the Tokyo or Osaka bureau, sadly 2 months is still well within gnormal wait timeh :( Itfs not rare to see people on this thread reporting having waited 4+ months for their COE. That said, this doesnft mean it will absolutely happen to you too!
We donft really know why immigration is so backed up right now, but Ifve noticed that they are currently prioritizing processing application types that have a hard deadline (visa renewal/change). So application types that are not as urgent (COEs) are pushed back.
I wish you the best of luck, and that you receive your COE very soon!
by Enha
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 22:45
Why is osaka immigration soooooooo slow?????? This is ruining my life!!!! Tokyo immigration already handing our june coe but osaka immigration is still april month not handing out??? Is this really japan or what?????? We need to make group and visit osaka immigration at once!!!
by namaskaram
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/1 23:37
@perry One of my mate and my COE was applied by the same lawyer but on different dates. His was maybe on April 25 or 26. Mine was on 14th May. However, we received it on the same date. I donft know how the immigration processes the applications. I think yours is just around the corner. I wish for your quick COE.
by may_ (guest)
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Re: COE processing times
2024/10/2 01:24
Hello everyone! I am sincerely glad for everyone who received their long-awaited certificate. And for those who are still waiting, I'm with you! My husband and I applied on June 21st and 22nd. We will work for the same company in Toyama. It's been more than 3 months and there's still no news. I have a question, are there any cases when they waited more than 4 months and it turned out that the application for CoE was rejected? We haven't been asked for additional documents yet, but you never know. With each passing week, hope is slowly being lost :c
by Agape (guest)
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