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Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/29 09:56
Hi ,

we are visiting Japan from 11-26th October and its 1st time to Japan. 7 days in Tokyo( 3 days for side trips), 5 days Kyoto. We have allocated 1 day for Disneyland but since we have a 4yr old daughter we want to have some places to visit which we can do for her to also like the visit.

Apart from Disneyland, can the experts suggest which are other places in Tokyo or Kyoto which our daughter can enjoy and we can plan to fit in our itinerary.
by abhi30  

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/29 11:12
You might get some ideas from this page:

She is probably a little young for the Kyoto Railway Museum and the Kyoto Aquarium, but you could decide for yourselves. There is a playground at the far end of the park (Umekoji Koen) that is in the same general area where those two facilities are located. As I recall, it is a fairly modest playground, but it probably has climbing structures and possibly swings, and she could at least run around. (I have noticed it in passing but never paid much attention to it.) On Google Maps it's called Omiya Chibikko Square. But I wouldn't go there unless you happen to be in the vicinity for some other reason. There are probably better playgrounds in Kyoto.

I think a child that age would probably find Fushimi Inari Jinja interesting (maybe the fox statues would be a little scary) and the structures there are visually appealing.
by Kim (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/29 11:46
The Nanja town and Sunshine Aquarium of Ikebukuro Sunshine City may be good.
There is also an observation deck.
There are many stores that children seem to like.
I also recommend Ueno Zoo.
Tokyo Edo Week will also be held in Ueno Park from October 11 to 14.
On October 19 and 20, the Komogomo exhibition will be held.
I think small girls can also enjoy Sanrio Puroland.*1h0x0md*_ga*MTY5NDg2Njk3LjE3Mjc.....
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/29 12:30
As suggested, October is a great season for outdoor places, and they don't have to be particularly "Japanese" when it comes to kids. You can go to any tiny local park and expect your daughter to communicate with local children.

If there are two or more adults in your group, you can take turns taking your daughter out or to kiddy floor in department stores and malls while other adults enjoy more sophisticated places such as museums and shopping. If your daughter has any preferences such as dolls and flowers, you can Google on that as well.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/29 14:51
I am a Japanese, and a train lover. Some children love getting on trains.




Sagano romantic train

Eizan Railway

Hieizan cable car/ropeway
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/29 19:47
In Tokyo, you can visit a few kid friendly cafes.

Also, here are some tips for visiting Tokyo Disney Resort with kids.
by Lilz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 01:13
Thanks a lot everyone for such detailed information. This will make visit for our daughter really memorable :)
by abhi30 rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 03:41
As a general fallback, based on travelling (in Japan and elsewhere) with our child at that age, Ifd recommend the simple tactic of asking at your hotel, or a tourist information centre, etc for the locations of some childrenfs playgrounds.
Kids play with kids, regardless of language barriers, and you might get into conversations with some of the other parents.
In Kyoto, for example, I remember finding a small playground around Pontocho, and our little one had a lovely time and we also had fun trying to talk to some other mums and dads.
by Winter Visitor rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 03:51
Art Aquarium Museum in Ginza, Tokyo. In general try to plan some stuff for yourself. Donft make the entire trip about your kid. If you want to go to a museum take your kid it is never too early for your child to learn art appreciation c they might find it boring at this age, but in the future they will appreciate it.
by PatrickSF rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 04:00
If youfre just looking for a simple playground, you can go to Google Maps for a given area and search on gplaygrounds.h There will usually be a few reviews and some pictures for each.

I have noticed that neighborhood playgrounds are all over the place in Japan, including in central Kyoto and Tokyo. Some of them are a little weedy and slightly run-down looking, and the equipment in them might be pretty basic, but it will be safe, at least. Of course these places are far from Disneyland, but sometimes you just need a place where you can turn a kid loose for a little while.

I was sorry when Toshimaen in Tokyo closed. This was an old-school amusement park that had simple mechanical rides, but it was just right for kids under the age of five or six or so. I used to go to the hydrangea festival there and enjoyed watching little kids having a ball, at a small fraction of the cost of Disney Resort.
by Kim (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 10:45
Speaking of Toshimaen (whose premises have now transformed into a Harry Potter theme park), Asakusa Hanayashiki is the oldest amusement park in Japan that keeps attracting people of all ages for its old-fashioned tone. It's small and it's right in the middle of Asakusa, so this is another place where adults can take turns watching the child while others roam around the old town and temple.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 11:11
Oh, that's right. I forgot about Hanayashiki! That might be perfect. Uco, what about Tokyo Dome City? It is another amusement park in central Tokyo but I don't know much about it. It strikes me as being at cheaper and easier to get to than Tokyo Disney Resort. I honestly don't know if I would take a four-year-old to Tokyo Disney, but what do I know...
by Kim (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 12:45
You could also try Nara. Kids seem to have fun feeding the deer.
by andrea (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 14:29
If it is more for children than Hanayashiki, there is also Arakawa Amusement Park, although it may be a little far.
However, it may be better to avoid the October 19 and 20 Oktoberfest, where many adults have drunk alcohol.
It may be fun to ride the Toden Arakawa Line (3 minute walk from the station).
I'm an adult, but I've been to photograph the Ferris wheel alone.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 14:55
Uco, what about Tokyo Dome City?

I've never explored Dome City. I just thought that Hanayashiki is convenient, because it's small and because there are many culturally traditional options in its surroundings.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 15:40
Thanks a lot everyone for such detailed information. This will make visit for our daughter really memorable :)
by abhi30 rate this post as useful

Re: Places to visit with 4yr old in Tokyo/Kyoto 2024/9/30 15:42
The only reason I am really even aware of Tokyo Dome City is because it is right next to Koishikawa Korakuen, which is a fairly nice Japanese garden. Looking at the Dome Cityfs list of rides, it seems sort of suitable for younger children. I really like that they sell individual ticket rides and donft require people to buy extremely costly all-inclusive admission tickets, plus pay extra charges to shorten the waiting times for rides. But Ifm not really into amusement parks myself. I do really like Koishikawa Korakuen.
by Kim (guest) rate this post as useful

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