Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/28 11:54
hello everyone good morning i want to ask and share one thing who have it answer or who do it please share it will help . first on 2021 i apply passport on 2022 they reject my application due to road voilence3 time one time cross yellow line one time next person do not put seat bealt and last one is singo musi with in 3 month when i ask ta reson they did not said actual but while interview my tanto said its not big accident but within 3 mont 3 mistake makes problem may be what you you do he asked me i said i will apply then last i was not get after 1 year when i call to know reson they sid may be that so i can apply after 3 year of last traffic voilence itr will come back after 3 year so now i am planning to apply again what to do anyone have idea please
by james (gop) (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/8/29 08:44
Just stop writing the same thing over and over. Do you need to hear that it's unfair? You won't. Traffic violence is traffic violence even if it's something you consider "minor". Credit card blacklist is even more important if I refer to your older posts.
Just ask the homukyoku about the timing and if they don't answer then just giveup, wait a few years without any traffic violence or problems and then try to reapply.
You are already allowed to live in Japan, be grateful of what you have. Nationality isn't something mandatory to live in Japan.
by Kage (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/2 09:17
Hi all. I have a question regarding the 5 year criteria for naturalization. Do you need to fulfill this at the time of application or at the time of review? Im currently working in Japan for 4+ years and going to fill my 5th year on 2025 April. I was wondering if I need to wait until 2025 April or make the application soon.


P.S.: I have permanent residence already.
by bervierge (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/2 13:41
@ bervierge,

You need to wait until you finish 5 years of stay in Japan. If you are in rush to get naturalized, the most thing you can do is that you may call them in Jan/Feb of 2025 and take appointment of April ( the date which you will actually complete 5 years) for first consultation. [If you are in busy homukyoku]. If you are not applying in busy homukyoku (like Tokyo/Saitma etc) then I think calling them a month or two before you complete 5 years will be good enough.

If you are in super rush, talk to gyoseishoshi(行政書士)/administrative scrivener(get their service) and prepare documents in advance which are very common to each applicant) even before first consultation and then after first consultation you can get next appointment quickly.

They will not let you step (not literally but process wise LoL) in homukyoku until you complete 5 years.

PR is not a requirement hence it has limited to no impact on Naturalization process.
by SaitamaApplicant (guest) (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/2 18:52
If anyone in this forum has recently received their results, please be kind enough to share your timeline. It will help other applicants get an idea of the process.
Thank you!
by kikawaiting (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/3 21:53
Hey guys,

I went for my first consultation at Saitama and I was given the list of the required documents and Application forms including all the forms which is to be out i.e (family overview,resume,overview livelihood….etc) hard copy.
I recently found that ,I can download the same forms from the website of Tokyo legal affairs.
My question is,Can I fill out on my computer and download it instead of filling out the hard copy I was given on my first consultation.
I need your help.
Thank you
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/4 08:56
Maybe it would be better to check with homukyoku but I think I remember that everything has to be handwritten.
by BeneFukuoka (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/4 12:06
Hello again,

I'd like to ask a question to everyone regarding the verification call. Actually, I didn't get a verification call yet. I don't know if I'll get a verification call because, I called the houmukyoku where my case is being handled 2 weeks ago because I wanted to clarify a question I had. They said everything was fine I don't have to send any additional documents to them.
In that same call, they asked me questions that are similar questions people who have gotten the verification call. Like changes in address, job, any new children and if I had any plans of going outside Japan for any reason. I answered no to all of these questions.
I'm checking the kanpo everyday since that conversation and my name isn't on there yet. It has been two weeks since that conversation.

For people in the same situation, how long after this type of conversation did you see your name listed on the kanpo?
I get worried and nervous easily so this situation is not helping at all.

Any answers would be appreciated. Thank you.
by Maybe (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/5 11:34
They ask me about address / family / job change / oversea trip everytime I get them on phone and I can't get the result yet so unfortunately I don't think it means something but who knows!
by BeneFukuoka (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/5 13:13

forms which are on website of Tokyo legal affairs, are those forms editable (word/excel format) or just printable format (pdf/image)?

Can you share the link where you can download the forms? I can take print and ask when I go for my consultation. I am also planning to apply in Saitama
by SaitamaApplicant (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/5 21:28
The below is the link you can use to download the forms but you have to use PDF or word Editor to fill out the forms.
But I still don’t know if it’s okay to fill out the forms using computer or to use pen to fill out
Those who already applied recently,Did you filled out the forms with your computer or handwriting?
by Success (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/6 12:30
Hey guys,

About the filling of applications: specifically on the family overview in Japan.
I have uncle and a brother living in Japan but not living together,Do I have to write my uncle’s name or that form is only for parents and siblings?
by Ref: (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/6 18:53

I submitted my documents with a lawyer s help and we filled my documents by computer
by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/9 10:12
@ia thank you.

Regards to the forms,specifically for family in Japan,is it only siblings or i can write uncle or aunty living in Japan but not living together?
by Ref (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/9 11:00
to be honest I have no idea, maybe just write it yes since they want to know any single thing about us lol
by ia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/9 11:15
Hi everyone!

Thanks @SaitamaApplicant for your kind response to my earlier question.

I have another question regarding the 5 year stay-in-Japan condition.
In the ministry's website it says 引き続き5年以上日本に住んでいることが必要です。

Some websites interpret it as you have to be in Japan for +80% of each of these 5 years. Is this interpretation correct?

If so, my 5th year as a working person is completing next April. (2020 Apr - 2023 Feb: Working visa, 2023 Feb - now: Permanent residence)

P.S.: I have been in Japan for 4 years prior to this as college student (2016 Apr - 2020 Apr) but I heard the student years dont count towards naturalization.

My question is, I have been in Japan for at least 10+ months in all of the previous 4 years. This year, however, I spent 4-5 months abroad already due to family emergency.

Do you think this is a deal breaker? Or are they flexible on this 80% rule if you give them a valid explanation?

Thanks in advance!!
by bervierge (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/9 16:18
@ Success

I think I don't have ability to fill the documents by myself (even including compter) so I have taken gyoseishoshi (lawyer) services. He said that we can submit printed (computer filled) forms. Only Motive letter that needs to be written by applicant using pen. Rest all can be computerized form.
by SaitamaApplicant (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/9 16:41
@ bervierge

For continuous stay of 5 years.. you don't need to be on working visa for 5 years..
A person has been residing in Japan with a valid status of residence for more than 5 years consecutively (at least 3 years of working period as well)

With ref to your below question...
Some websites interpret it as you have to be in Japan for +80% of each of these 5 years. Is this interpretation correct?
My question is, I have been in Japan for at least 10+ months in all of the previous 4 years. This year, however, I spent 4-5 months abroad already due to family emergency.

=> Let me first explain you calculation part but it all depends on your person in charge (tantousya) who is handling your case.

Calculation example - Considering you are applying today..
5 years calculation starts today -1 year, -2 years, -3 years and so on i.e.
2023-09-10 ~ 2024-09-09 ( If you are out of Japan for more than 3 months consecutively or total of 100 days during this period then your 5 year clock resets and calculation of 1st year will start from the day you last returned)
2022-09-10 ~ 2023-09-09 ( If you are out of Japan for more than 3 months consecutively or total of 100 days during this period then your 5 year clock resets and calculation of 1st year will start from the day you last returned)
2021-09-10 ~ 2022-09-09 ( If you are out of Japan for more than 3 months consecutively or total of 100 days during this period then your 5 year clock resets and calculation of 1st year will start from the day you last returned)
2020-09-10 ~ 2021-09-09 ( If you are out of Japan for more than 3 months consecutively or total of 100 days during this period then your 5 year clock resets and calculation of 1st year will start from the day you last returned)
2019-09-10 ~ 2020-09-09 ( If you are out of Japan for more than 3 months consecutively or total of 100 days during this period then your 5 year clock resets and calculation of 1st year will start from the day you last returned)

To go in more details - If you were out of Japan for more than 90 consecutive day in 2023 and you returned to Japan on let's say 2023-11-21.. then you need to wait until 2028-11-21 to complete 5 years..

If you were out of Japan for more than 90 consecutive day in 2021 and you returned to Japan on let's say 2021-05-10.. then you need to wait until 2026-05-10 to complete 5 years..

Hope this helps.

Your case looks complex. I would suggest you to consult with gyoseishoshi to confirm all the above points. That probably will give you more insights.

by SaitamaApplicant (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/9 17:29

Thank you very much for your detailed response. This was super helpful. I was able to confirm the 3 months rule through websites of several Japanese law offices.

I'd like to consult with 行政書士 indeed, to see if there is anyway to salvage the situation. Do you have any recommendations for 行政書士 with whom I can consult?

Thanks in advance as usual!
by bervierge (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2024/9/9 17:44

Apologies for multiple messages. You actually touched upon a great point, where not all 5 years need to be under working visa (Need only 3 years)

So, practically I have been working in Japan for 3 consecutive years (no separation of more than 3 months) since I graduated uni in Japan (2020 April ~ 2023 April) and I have been living for 4 years on student visa prior to that, so I might still be eligible for naturalization.

So as long as these 5 year criterion does not have to be the immediate 5 years leading to application, then there is still a chance.

Let me discuss with 行政書士 to clear these points.
by bervierge (guest) rate this post as useful

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