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Appi kogen 2018/4/8 01:34
Hello I am planning to go to Iwate on 17-18 April 2018
1 Is it possible to go to the appi kogen in one day trip, leave from morioka station in the morning and back to morioka station in the afternoon? (We travel by train using jr east pass)

2 my aim to go there is not skiing but just take a picture with snow and mountain, can i access the area, use the ropeway without booking any hotel?

by Igtenos (guest)  

Re: Appi kogen 2018/4/8 14:37
It seems to be an hour ride on a train from Morioka to Appi Kogen, but from the way it sounds (I've never been there) the whole place seems to be a resort complex.

It might be worth contacting them for more information:
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