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Can I come back to Japan again? 2024/8/14 20:27
I came to Japan as a student in a Japanese language school located in Nagoya, the name is Nagoya SKY Japanese language school on 31 July 2024. I have gotten my Zairyu card, I have filled in my address on the back of the Zairyu card and completed all the processes that needed to be done in the city office of Nagoya, specifically in Naka Ward. I thought that I was gonna attend school from the fifth of August 2024. Unfortunately, bad news came from my house my fatherfs health condition is not so well and is degrading daily hefs been facing heart problems and it needs to be operated on as soon as possible because there is a blockage in his heart. I was told by my family and by my family members that I am the only child of my family and I need to take care of the problems of my family and itfs my priority. So I need to rush back to India on 5th August 2024 for my fatherfs check-up in a good hospital for any surgery required & couldnft attend the language school. I have withdrawn my application from the Japanese language school and given all my applications required for withdrawal and they told me that they would refund my money as soon as possible. I have given all my bank details to them. When I came back from Japan I also mentioned that I was going to cancel my student visa, so they hadnft given me a re-entry form and they had punched a hole in my Zairyu card. There are no pending dues back in Japan from my side and I have also cleared the payment of my housing. Now, I am asking you guys if can I go back to Japan as a student in the next session maybe in 2025 July, or if should I apply for a working Visa. I have completed JLPT N5 & Bachelor in Computer Science (4 years) from my county. I also want to know if there will be any problem with my Visa application for this condition or not if I apply for a student visa or if should I apply for a working visa & which one will be better for me. All suggestions are welcome and I am very tense about it currently so can anyone help me and guide me through this It will be very helpful.
by Pranit Das  

Re: Can I come back to Japan again? 2024/8/15 08:57
When you apply next, explain in the application what happened and why you left Japan so quickly. But you havenft done anything illegal so I donft see an issue for you applying again in the future for a work or student visa
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Can I come back to Japan again? 2024/8/15 16:40
Like can you please tell me what kind of explanation should be needed? And when will be the correct time for applying visa will be good for me whether it is a student visa or a working visa? Applying to language school will be tough for me cause one of my friends is telling me that I have broken my promise of studying in Japan so getting accepted to a Japanese language school will be tough for me next time. Please tell me what will be good for me in this situation.
by Pranit Das rate this post as useful

Re: Can I come back to Japan again? 2024/8/16 09:30
If I were you, I would simply ask the language school you once applied with. They understood your reason and refunded you the money, right? Then I donft see any reason why the school or the immigration authorities should reject you when you apply once again.
by AK rate this post as useful

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