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Biology jobs in Japan? 2024/9/26 12:55
I have a bachelorfs of science in biology, Ifve extensively worked in the biotech industry during my undergraduate years, with the help of internships and jobs in research and development as well as other related areas. Looking to do a PhD in cell molecular biology in the future. I wanted to know if there were any opportunities for people in the biological science niche to find jobs in Japan.

Itfs understandable that the job market maybe competitive, so what would be ways to stand out? Learning the language? Or networking with the right people? What could be the best way to enter the job market within this niche?
by Bobby (guest)  

Re: Biology jobs in Japan? 2024/9/26 18:03
Learning the language is never a bad idea

Japan has a lack of young people so the job market situation isnft that tight.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Biology jobs in Japan? 2024/9/27 10:00
in biotechnology field, there is almost no demand for BS degree in research divisions in enterprises. most have at least Master degree.

"What could be the best way to enter the job market within this niche?"
to get surely a good job in scientific or technological fields inJapan,
finishing at least master program in a famous university, like former imperial universities. students in Japan proceed to the next level (master program) after finishing undergraduates with no gap years.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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