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Imabari City towel museum 2023/7/30 00:03
Is the Towel museum in Imabari worth a stop on the way to Matsuyama?
by Vickyt  

Re: Imabari City towel museum 2023/7/31 19:19
Sorry - I've never been. However, I'm very interested to know what it's like if you do go so please could you let us know if you decide to go?

When I had a look at it, we were planning to go but then changed plans and didn't end up in that part of Shikoku, so scratched the idea. IIRC, it's not much of a detour if you're on the train on that coastal line that runs along the north of the island. I guess it depends on the frequency of trains so that you could hop off and then hop back on again and continue your journey?
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