Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Name of non sweet pastry 2023/5/13 22:52
Hello there!

We are just traveling through Japan for the second time. When we have been here the first time a few years ago we ate a pastry that was marvelous. It was not sweet, was not filled with fish or meat but with something else that tasted kind of exotic (for lack of a better word). Does anyone know what it might have been? We ate it in Tokyo if that is of any help. Would be great if any of you know the name. Kind regards, Sascha
by Sascha L  

Re: Name of non sweet pastry 2023/5/14 08:40
Need more descriptions than that.
Do you know the name of the shop/ bakery?
What shape was the pastry and what color was the filling?
Was is custard- like or mashed-beans-like, etc.?

by nonn bay (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Name of non sweet pastry 2023/5/14 18:07
It could be a million of things. The best way to find out is to go back to the shop and ask while you're still in Japan.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Name of non sweet pastry 2023/5/14 18:51
The following things come to my mind:

- an pan —> pastry filled with sweet red bean paste. Itfs sweet but not as sweet as Western sweets and tastes gexotich
- ohyaki—> warm pastry filled with vegetables
- Pizza man —> tomato and cheese filled warm bun

There must be many more.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Name of non sweet pastry 2023/5/15 20:12
Hello! Thanks for the answers! Unfortunately we are not able to go back to the store since we are not in Tokyo this time. But ohyaki sounds like it might be the one. I will try that. Thanks!
by Sascha L rate this post as useful

Re: Name of non sweet pastry 2023/5/15 21:19
Oyaki can be difficult to find unless you go to places like Nagano which is very far from Tokyo.

If oyaki sounds like something you were looking for, you can try hopping into any bakery and asking for something with "shouyu (soy-sauce)". You will most likely get a bun with some Asian filling, such as root vegetables like gobo (burdock) and carrot, seasoned with soy-sauce. They would taste very much like o-yaki. Here are some examples.

Meanwhile, if definitely want to obtain oyaki in Tokyo, you should go to Ginza Nagano which is an antenna shop of Nagano located in Ginzai.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Name of non sweet pastry 2023/6/12 01:40
Hi Sascha,

Welcome back to Japan! It's always exciting to explore a country for the second time. Regarding the pastry you had in Tokyo, there's a good chance you're referring to "Dorayaki." Dorayaki is a popular Japanese pastry consisting of two small pancake-like layers with a sweet filling in between. The filling is typically made of red bean paste, known as "anko," which might have given it that unique and exotic flavor you mentioned. Next time you're in Japan, be sure to try it again and perhaps even experiment with other flavors they offer. Happy travels!
by AnxietyBlondiety rate this post as useful

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