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Samaro Maiko in Sakata, Japan 2023/9/24 10:54
Their web site says, email, don't phone, but they don't publish an email address. Need their email address.

Can't email Sakata Tourism either to ask them as their web site dosn't seem to be working for questions.
by Evrgreen (guest)  

Re: Samaro Maiko in Sakata, Japan 2023/9/24 16:42
if your asking place is here

their contact is :

it is common sense in Japan that they don't show their email address to public, because most of incoming mails are spams. they have contact forms instead.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Samaro Maiko in Sakata, Japan 2023/9/24 22:20
Thanks for the reply, Ken. I checked your two references and those are the sites where the problem is.

They say don't phone us, email us because we don't speak English. But the only way to email them is through their form which is for an actual paid in advance reservation. My problem is that there are three prices listed with no explanation of what the difference is. How do I know what to reserve?

Even a local booking agency for them says that there web site is so difficult that they don't even use it; they phone. But they want $75 extra to phone and make the reservation for us.

There has to be a better way. I can see people not wanting to publish their email addresses, but I heve never heard of a business not wanting to do so simply because it would restrict how they can attract customers.

So, if you can help me out on this one, too, it would be much appreciated!
by Evrgreen (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Samaro Maiko in Sakata, Japan 2023/9/25 10:20
Are you unable to contact either of them?
E-mail is written at the bottom.
input form
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Samaro Maiko in Sakata, Japan 2023/9/25 10:57
Problem solved Reservations made.

Thanks everyone!

by evrgreen rate this post as useful

Re: Samaro Maiko in Sakata, Japan 2023/9/25 11:01
please clarify your problems WITHOUT complains.
because you are strongly focusing on complains, no one can understand your problems.
the agent's 75 dollars request is not their problem and not their concerns.

you say three prices. but, you don't say the exact prices and the place you found. how can we explain more without knowing information ?

to haro1210
your information does not solve OP's problem. tourist centers are not travel agent and not the place to hear random complains.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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