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Tokyo to Matsumoto with Willer Express 2023/9/5 08:50
Hello all, my group of friends and I (6 people) are planning to visit Matsumoto at the start of November and we are planning to ride Willer Express Bus from Shinjuku to Matsumoto. The thing that's bothering me is that in Willer Express Website, all bus are only available for 2 seats, but we are 6 people. When we search for 6 people, it doesn't show any bus. So my question is, is this intentional by Willer Express? If I choose a bus and buy it 3 times (3 times x 2 seats each), is it possible? Has anyone tried it before or should I not risk it? Thanks
by Felix S (guest)  

Re: Tokyo to Matsumoto with Willer Express 2023/9/10 09:56

There are some differences between the buses by Willer and those by other companies.

About the maximum passenger number for online reservation:

About reservation period in advance:

The point is all buses between Tokyo and Matsumoto are operated by other companies, NOT by Willer.

This means you can book a bus to Matsumoto on another site like this:

from one month before your ride.
by mr.white! (guest) rate this post as useful

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