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Hitachi Seaside park 2023 2023/10/8 16:29

My group of friends are planning to visit Hitachi Seaside park on 21st Oct 2023 to see the kochia & cosmos. We will be going there by car as there are 9 of us.

May I know whether we need to purchase the park ticket in advance since it is the peak period. If yes, other than the park entrance ticket, do I need to purchase other tickets to access the Miharashi Hill and Grassland?


by Hfam  

Re: Hitachi Seaside park 2023 2023/10/10 03:02
I just went there during Golden Week for the Nemophila, which is perhaps the busiest time of the year to visit. You don't need advance tickets or any special additional tickets. Be aware though that it's a fairly big place, and there is quite a walk from the ticket gate over to the hill.
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