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HSP visa may be denied? 2024/9/10 10:28
I have a traffic misdemeanor in my home country (USA). I am going through the process for a work visa right now. I got into an accident and my insurance has just lapsed the week before (I am aware that is my fault and I should have been aware) I had to appear in traffic court but it was just a fine. In Colorado all traffic infractions are misdemeanors and because it was traffic I can't get expunged. My concern is I will be denied my HSP Work Visa that is sponsored by a Japanese company. Their lawyers said I should provide the reason for the misdemeanor and they drafted a letter to the Japanese government to explain it and that it's not even considered a criminal record in the USA. My concern is I have put a lot of time and money into this move for Japan and if this gets denied I don't know what I will do... They lawyers told me not to worry because honesty is highly looked upon in Japan. Anyone have any idea of experience a similar thing? Thank you in advance.
by Opideousneo  

Re: HSP visa may be denied? 2024/9/10 16:49
As long as there is no DRUG related crime, heavy crime and no JAIL term involved you are most probably fine. DUI can be problem also ..
As for yours, there's nothing to worry. Good luck.
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