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Flights from Narita to Kushiro 2023/6/9 17:06
is there any flights from Narita airport to Kushiro airport on October?
by ora (guest)  

Re: Flights from Narita to Kushiro 2023/6/9 19:21
Right now all flights from Tokyo to Kushiro use Haneda Airport.

Peach used to fly to Kushiro from Narita, but they are currently not flying the route and have not announced its resumption.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Flights from Narita to Kushiro 2023/6/9 22:02
Last time I went in Kushiro I got a flight from Haneda to Shin-Chitose and the train from there. It was a good experience. Try to see if any direct flight is available
by cochese rate this post as useful

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