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Returning Japan: What About My Previous Data? 2024/6/18 14:02
Hi everyone,

I used to live and work in Japan for 2 years before returning to my home country (I left Japan and am no longer a visa holder). Now, I will be returning to Japan with a new job and have reapplied for a new visa. My question is, what happens to my previous data such as insurance, pension, and personal seal (inkan)? Should I create a new inkan or can I use the previous one? Additionally, if anyone has experience with a similar situation, could you please share the procedure for moving back to Japan after leaving for a while with a new visa?

Thank you!
by bnyeol (guest)  

Re: Returning Japan: What About My Previous Data? 2024/6/18 14:28
I also left and returned to Japan

I didnft have an inkan, so canft speak to it.
I had a my number card which was old and I just got a new one but with same number
I had (stupidly?) gotten my pension payment paid back to me when I left Japan so started again at 0 years.
I didnft have any insurance while I was away.

Essentially you are still the same person , so the bank, wards etc will see your history and still know you are the same person.

I did have no issues at all when returning.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Returning Japan: What About My Previous Data? 2024/6/18 15:00
Thank you for your reply!

It seems like our previous data will continue once we register a new address at the shiyakusho.

Did you need to show any additional documents besides your new zairyu card that you obtained at the airport?

Unfortunately, I lost all my documents, and I didnft even claim my pension when I left Japan because I misplaced the necessary paperwork 😂
by bnyeol (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Returning Japan: What About My Previous Data? 2024/6/18 23:26
Well for the pension that might actually be good news for you. You should be continuing to pay into the same gaccounth. When you are here ask around how you can get a history of your pension payments.

I donft think I needed to show any old documents anywhere. I did have my old my number card.I am not sure if it made it easier to get a new one. I had my old Japanese driving license but as it had expired I needed to redo the conversion process from scratch. I also never closed my Japanese bank account and credit cards so that was all still running.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

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