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Dependent visa change to working visa 2024/8/7 12:31
I’m a dependent visa holder in kobe. My father is working for Thailand consulate and through that i have dependent visa. I do not have マイナンバcause of my visa
I am currently working as a bartender full time with permission from the consulate to work at a bar that hired me as a skilled personnel.
by Den (guest)  

Re: Dependent visa change to working visa 2024/8/7 18:46
Permission to work is a Japanese Immigration Bureau/Ministry of Justice prerogative not a foreign consulate/embassy one. They are the ONLY who decide who can work in Japan and who can't. What you are doing is actually simply put: illegal. If the bar is inside the embassy, it's fine, if it's off embassy it's illegal.

People on diplomatic visa are not seen as residents, which means if you spent 10 years in Japan you are 0 right to PR or citizenship compared to someone on a work/spouse visa for example.
by JDK (guest) rate this post as useful

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