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Taxi from Haguro san to Tsuruoka station 2023/6/27 06:03
Good day to all,

I want to stay overnight at Haguro san, but must be at Tsuruoka station to catch the train at 9:31 to Niigata, on Saturday 12 Aug. I looked at the bus schedule but the early bus ( does not operate on Saturday.
Can someone confirm this, and also advide: How much would cost a taxi between Suyshinon and Tsuruoka station?

thank you so much for any information!

Best regards from France
by ChristopheTerrasse  

Re: Taxi from Haguro san to Tsuruoka station 2023/6/27 07:57
The cost would be around 6500-7000 yen.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Taxi from Haguro san to Tsuruoka station 2023/6/27 08:16
It will be haguro zuishinmon,
Not suyshinon
Or can you give us Full address?
by Jo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Taxi from Haguro san to Tsuruoka station 2023/6/27 14:51
You can buy shonai kotsu bus un limited ride 1 day =2000 yen
by Redcliff (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Taxi from Haguro san to Tsuruoka station 2023/6/28 14:41
Tsuruoka city Located in yamagata prfecture uetsu hon, You can buy JR east chisana tabi holiday pass=2720 yen cover JR tsuruoka sta
by Salman (guest) rate this post as useful

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