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Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 06:48
I am currently 33 weeks pregnant with 90 days Temporary Visitor Visa and my husband has working visa he is also resident (non-japanese) . I am planning to give birth in Japan. I will shoulder all the costs because I have no insurance. Does Japan allow tourist give birth in Japan? Anyone here have similar situation like me?
by Jey (guest)  

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 15:50
After giving birth,you will get 500000 yen by showing your national health insurance.its called shussan ikuji ichiji kin.Best wishes for your motherhood.Also welcome to my city obama.Kind regards from obama city,japan
by MR obama (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 15:51
Yes.. but best don't, unless emergency. Also, FYI child born in Japan won't get Japan citizenship.
Japan is jus sanguinis, not jus soli.

Japan especially government and such are a bureacratic/paperbased/responsibility/accountability so sudden action without prior notification will create a lot of teeth sucking problem, disrupt the 'wa'.

most pregnancy (resident) where mum-to-be will be register with cityhall/clinic/hospital with regards to pregnancy check-up monitoring, and schedule birth reservation.

without prior visit/consultation, insurance, medical/pregnancy history, you'll be facing trouble arranging for birth at hospital. Let alone language barrier, limitation on period of stays on your visa etc.

heck, if you called up ambulance for emergency birth, the ambulance will need to call up hospitals to admit/receive your emergency, not all hospital will admit you.

Giving birth in Japan as a non-resident can come with several complications and considerations:

1.Visa Requirements: Non-residents will typically need a valid visa that allows for an extended stay in Japan. Tourist visas usually do not permit stays long enough to cover the period before and after childbirth.

2.Healthcare Costs: Japan has a universal healthcare system, but it does not cover all medical costs for non-residents. Maternity care can be expensive, especially without insurance coverage.

3.Language Barriers: Many healthcare providers in Japan may not speak English fluently. This can make it challenging to communicate effectively about medical needs and preferences.

4.Legal and Administrative Issues: There may be administrative hurdles such as registering the birth and obtaining necessary documents like a birth certificate and passport for the newborn.

5.Cultural Differences: Expectations and practices regarding childbirth can differ from those in your home country. Understanding these differences can help manage expectations and avoid misunderstandings.

6.Support System: Without local family or friends, the emotional and practical support during and after childbirth may be limited compared to what one might have in their home country.

7.Access to Specialized Care: Depending on the location in Japan, access to specialized maternity care facilities or specific medical interventions may be limited.

8.Legal Residency Status of the Child: The child's legal status in Japan and their citizenship may depend on various factors, including the parents' nationalities and visa statuses.

It's crucial for non-residents considering childbirth in Japan to thoroughly research and plan ahead, including consulting with both medical and legal professionals to understand the requirements and potential challenges involved.
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 15:54
@ MR obama

learn how to read.. OP is non-resident, without Japan national health insurance.
she won't get any money. will need to pay yennies out of own pocket.
by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Visit a clinic or hospital now 2024/6/26 16:14
Hi Jey,

Babies can't wait, so doctors are supposed to help you regardless of your status. But what's more important is to visit a doctor or midwife in advance for checkups. The doctor or midwife can give you advice on what you can do now.

Even residents need to get monthly or weekly checkups in order to safely give birth in Japan. You can't just knock on a door and expect a doctor to be available, moreover a bed. Visit now and see what's best for you.

By the way, childbirth in Japan is not covered by insurance of any kind, anyway. If it so happens you need an operation when giving birth to your child (which can commonly happen safely), the operation will be covered by insurance if you're entitled to one.

Take care.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 16:52
I'm not sure how it works for tourists, but my husband (Japanese) and I (EU citizen) are also expecting our first child and we had to decide on the hospital where our child will be born in the 8th week of pregnancy. You have to make such decisions very early here in Japan.

In addition, the birth of the child must be registered at the embassy/ consulate of your country within two weeks after giving birth. This requires numerous documents, some of which are certified/ translated, which are best organized in advance.
by Ivy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 18:43
Your husband is resident of japan.He has Wo rk visa or residence as a wife, why you dont apply to change residence permit?
by Nakamura (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 20:10
the urgent matter is to find a hospital for the birth. probably, it is very hard, as already suggested in the above posts. you can't solve this by money.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 21:35
As others have said, Japan is not a "jus soli" country, so your child will not automatically be granted Japanese nationality. I'm not sure if you are one of them, but there are more people online than expected who make big mistaken plans based on this misunderstanding, thinking, "If I give birth in Japan, we will be able to obtain permanent residency because of our child's citizenship." So, I mentioned this first. I'm sorry if this is not your goal.

Even if you are not aiming for citizenship for your future baby, please check carefully the contents of the insurance you currently have before carrying out the plan. Regular overseas travel insurance has a surprisingly large number of exclusions regarding pregnancy and childbirth, and there can be a risk of facing unexpectedly high expenses. You will need to carefully investigate in advance whether your insurance really covers everything related to childbirth. If not, it might be better to give birth in your original country.

By the way, I know a foreigner who became pregnant while living in Japan with her husband (not Japanese) studying in a Japanese graduate school and gave birth here. So I don't think giving birth itself is impossible. However, in her case, she had been staying in Japan even before her pregnancy and was fluent enough in Japanese to be able to communicate at a minimum level with the obstetrician while being monitored for a long time at a Japanese hospital. (Please remind that Japanese hospitals don't so easily accept random pregnant women who are already in the later stages) Their child was not granted Japanese citizenship, but of course, they knew that well in advance, so it didn't shock them at all, she said.
by Stip (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/26 22:36
Hi everyone, I appreciate all your replies. I have already searched all those details beforehand. I know about the nationality even before I got pregnant. I am not after the nationality , I just want to be with my husband when I give birth. I have also made an appointment with a maternity clinic with English speaking OBGyne and I am informed how much it will cost. And I also searched about report of birth to the municipal, immigration and embassy. If the OBgyne will not take my case then I will go back to my home country.I just want to confirm if I am safe to enter Japan. Thank you so much everyone taking your time answering my inquiry <3
by Jey (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/27 01:17
Ah, so you're not in Japan yet, and are going to come, give birth and fly back with your baby all in less than 90 days. In that case, you should be asking your question to the Japanese Embassy. You can't expect anonymous internet users like us to "confirm" your safety on this matter.

And I don't mean to scare you, but I'm sure your doctor has warned you that anything can happen during the 90 days that may force you to stay in Japan longer. For example, if it so happens that you or your baby has minor medical issues to the extent that you'd want to refrain from flying back, the Immigration Office still has every right to force you out of Japan. I'm also not sure if you'd really want to fly with a 1-2 months-old infant.

In any case, contact your local Japanese Embassy directly to confirm, about both you and your newborn-to-be.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/27 08:09
I doubt the airline will let you fly that pregnant
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/27 13:01
She already in japan with her husband with her tourist visa.She said:she will go back to her home country if it is necessary before child birth.
by Ritz (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/28 09:13
I just want to confirm if I am safe to enter Japan.
And above seems to say otherwise ...

by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/28 10:02
I naturally interpreted her last post as saying that she wants to "enter Japan" and then "will go back to her home country".
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/28 10:16
it is more easier and safer for OP that the husband goes to her place when child birth.

also, it is common in Japan that the parents of the couple help everything for their pregnant woman and a new born baby, both before and after baby delivery. OP can't have such helps when in Japan.

there are many things that you can't solve by money.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/28 16:30
Jey san
Can you tell us about your current location?
If you stay in your home country now,then dont move.Dont come to japan.stay safe with your parents,they will help u in your mot herhood time.come japan in future.not now.
by Ittefaq (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/6/29 22:39
Hi all, yes I am going back to my home country to give birth. Tysm for all the replies I appreciate it!
by Jey21 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Giving Birth in Japan w/ Temp Visitor Visa 2024/7/3 22:38
Nice Decision.Good Luck.All the best.
by Jugantor (guest) rate this post as useful

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