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Water in Sept at the Daisetsuzan Gr. traverse 2023/8/26 23:44
Has anyone been hiking the southern part of the Daisetsuzan grand traverse lately? We are going to start exploring the national park in a few days and would appreciate any fresh update regarding the availability of water sources.
by HikerGuest (guest)  

Re: Water in Sept at the Daisetsuzan Gr. traverse 2023/8/27 10:18
This blog may be helpful.
All water should be filtered or boiled.
It also includes how to purify water.
I don't know where the south side of Daisetsuzan Grand Traverse is.
If we knew the name of the specific mountain, we might be able to provide a little more detailed information.
Information about Goshiki no Mizuba %E3%81%AE%E6%B0%B4%E5%A0%B4%E3%80%80%E6%B0%B4%E5%A0%B4
There seems to have been water at the Ura-Asahi campsite three weeks ago.
For details, please check these spots before departure.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Water in Sept at the Daisetsuzan Gr. traverse 2023/8/27 10:28
Thank you for your help, Haro!
I am most concerned about the water situation around Kamihorokamettoku and Biei-Fuji refuges (referring for coordinates).
by HikerGuest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Water in Sept at the Daisetsuzan Gr. traverse 2023/8/27 11:17
Thank you for reply.
10 minutes down from the Biei-Fuji refuges hut to the trailhead side, there is a water place, but it can be taken when there is still a snow valley in the stream.
However, if there is no snow valley, there is a possibility that there is no water place.
The article says that it often dries up in early August.
Kamihorokamettoku also seems to be difficult because there is no water place if there is no snow valley.
By the way, Kamihorokamettoku had a new hut last year.
Depending on the mountain, it seems that it may snow in the first half of September.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Water in Sept at the Daisetsuzan Gr. traverse 2023/8/27 11:26
Reading this page, it is heavy, but it seems better to bring water.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Water in Sept at the Daisetsuzan Gr. traverse 2023/8/27 13:59
You should check Yamap. People often mention this kind of information in their posts. Use chrome to translate it. Enter the kanji of the mountain and check for grecent activityh.
by Allthepeaks (guest) rate this post as useful

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