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Sending luggage from Nara to Sakurai 2024/9/21 20:00
Good morning, we are planning to walk the Yamatobe no michi trail and are wondering if it is possible to send our luggage from Nara to Sakurai. Thank you
by Catherine (guest)  

Re: Sending luggage from Nara to Sakurai 2024/9/22 07:35
There is no local delivery service for the specific walking route, but you can use the nationwide delivery services to achieve the same:
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Sending luggage from Nara to Sakurai 2024/9/22 12:30
If you need same day delivery then I donft think this exists. Ask your hotel in Nara a few days before. Normally itfs next day, sometimes even 2 day delivery.

However on your specific case there is a potential solution. Leave your luggage at a locker in Nara station. Walk to Sakurai, take train back to Nara (about 45 min) collect your baggage and take train back to Sakurai.

Not ideal. But possible. Costs about the same as the shipment fee for one piece of luggage
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Sending luggage from Nara to Sakurai 2024/9/24 18:24
Thank you very kindly for your prompt response and the help you have provided. I will keep it in mind, and we will follow your advice and go back by train to Nara, using it as a base for our day trips.
Have a great day and thank you again.
by Catherine Ordronneau (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Sending luggage from Nara to Sakurai 2024/9/24 21:22
Yes, staying an other night in Nara is probably best. Sakurai itself isnft specially attractive. I stayed there a week earlier this year. ( )
It was fine for me, but if you can remove the need of change of hotel, then doing it as a daytrip form Nara works better. In that case you also have more flexibility on which day to do the walk by considering the weather forecast.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

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