Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/24 11:32
oh sorry I wrongly reload the pages and double post again...
Anyone please delete the duplicated reply, thanks a lot.
by Yukimaru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/24 13:53
Thank you so much for your answer
by Suzu (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/25 09:25
Hello Everyone,
I am planning to apply for naturalization but I dont know that that i should apply through lawyer or by myself.
if anyone have experienced applied by himself or applied through lawyer. please give me your opinions and suggestions.

by wikkiR (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/25 09:54
It’s better to do it by yourself. I did it through a lawyer but he didn’t do much and I did almost all the preparation. Of course, Not all the lawyers are the same but my lawyer was of no help. You can fill the form by yourself and collect all the necessary docs.

Best of Luck 🤞
by kabuki26 rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/25 10:08
Thank you very much for quick answer.
i contacted to one lawyer in my city and he said that he can only fill the documents for me and then i can go by myself to the homukyuku and also the lawyer fee was high.
So, i will fill all the documents by myself and will apply by myself.
by wikkiR (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/25 11:09
yes, lawyer will just fill the form but you will have to go and submitted the docs. No need to pay high fees to lawyer. cheers
by kabuki26 rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/25 12:08
Hi wikkir
I think Lawer is just waste of money. You can collect documents by yourself from city office in1 or 2 days. Documents you can prepare by yourself. You can take help from below site,
If you do by yourself then you can present it in better way. If you have problems filling the form you can take help from any of your Japanese friends. Good luck buddy.
by Saadnk rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/25 15:01
Thank you very much for the information.
i will prepare my all documents and then will next month.
by wikkiR (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/25 15:15
Do any anyone have experience, how long its take after submitted renunciation certificate in himequok, already cancelled my current nationality as per homequok request, currently with no nationality.
by ZZZ1 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/26 10:36
@ ZZZ1,
i think after submitting the renunciation certificate it will take a month or two and also at the same time you can try to check the kanpo. sometime the homukyuku staff notify you late because of their busy schedule. anyway good luck
by Sssh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/27 10:21
Hello everyone.
I have a question that when they will take the Japanese written test. On the day of the application or after submitting the application?
Please answer to my question.
by Appsa (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/27 13:54
Hello everyone
I have a question that how about the credit card record? It’s affects for the application? If someone have this experience please share with me
by Suzu (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/27 18:45
No one can predict, it's all depend on officer, they can test you on day of application, or after application, in my case they took my test on day of interview, which was after 6 months after submission. You should be ready for test each time you visit himequok.good luck
by Zzz1 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/27 19:02
Of course it affect on all utilities bills, credit cards payments, bank loans, nenkin payments, make sure you pay before due date for the success of your application.
Good luck
by Zzz1 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/28 12:34

Hi Nicolas,
Thank you for the update on your situation.

I had very different information from the embassy this April…
Did you get these information from the embassy?
Also, are you sure that the loss of nationality is automatic?
Because i don't understand how they could make it automatic as we cannot become apatride…

Thank you
by Waitingguest2022 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/28 12:35

I have also heard about something like you can apply then cancel, but not sure if it work
by Waitingguest2022 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/29 09:09
Good morning guys,

Finally I could see my name in kanpou. Cheers . Good luck to all.
by kabuki26 rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/29 09:31
congratulations to you.
finally you got it.
and now you are officially became japanese national.
by kikak (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/29 10:37
Yes, it's a very stressing situation to keep waiting for the result but when i saw my name i felt very happy. Finally a good news. Cheers to all :)
by kabuki26 rate this post as useful

Re: Naturalization in 2022 2022/8/29 14:05
Congratulation to you to become Japanese national, Please assist me to know do homequok called you first or you saw your name in Kanpou first, If you saw your name in Kanpou first, after how many days later Homequok called you after your appear in Kanpou?

Congratulations once again.
by waitingguest2020 (guest) rate this post as useful

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