Samurai District

The Kakunodate samurai district, which once housed about 80 families, is one of the best examples of samurai architecture and housing in the country. Its wide streets and large courtyards are shaded by dozens of weeping cherry trees which bloom in early May. During this time, the wide streets are busy with hanami tourists.
Of the samurai houses that remain intact, six are open to the public and offer visitors the chance to see how middle class and wealthy samurai families might have lived. Of the six open houses, the Aoyagi and Ishiguro houses are particularly noteworthy for their size and quality.

The Aoyagi House (Aoyagi-ke) is an impressive complex with multiple buildings containing museum collections, restaurants and gift shops. The displays provide interesting information in both English and Japanese on samurai traditions, lifestyle and the historical context in relation to Kakunodate. It is a useful place to visit for those interested in Kakunodate's samurai history.
The second samurai home of special note is the Ishiguro House (Ishiguro-ke). The area open to visitors is much smaller than that of the Aoyagi House, largely because the family still resides in the rest of the house. On display is a small collection of samurai armor and clothing, as well as anatomical drawings and studies. The Ishiguro House also has a well preserved storeroom.

The other four open houses offer varying levels of accessibility. They are mostly examples of middle class samurai residences and thus, are smaller than the Aoyagi-ke and Ishiguro-ke. There are also two museums that may be of interest to visitors:
Getting there and around
Kakunodate's former samurai district is a 20 minute walk or a short taxi ride from JR Kakunodate Station. The district begins at the Yoko-machi intersection.
How to get to and around Kakunodate

Hours and Fees
Aoyagi Samurai Museum
Ishiguro Samurai Museum
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