Kamakura: Peak Colors

As temperatures continue to drop around Japan, the 2017 autumn color season is now winding down to its finish. But for those hoping to catch some last-minute colors, the country's last late-changing fall color spots—in particular around Tokyo and Kyoto—are still an option for these last remaining days of the season.
Among Japan's best last-to-change koyo (autumn color) spots is Kamakura, my destination for today. The city's impressive collection of Buddhist temples and Shito shrines features several nice places to enjoy autumn colors, which usually reach their best viewing in very early December.
Happily, the colors around many of the temples were mostly right on time and looking lovely. The leaves won't be around long, however, as some spots were already moving beyond their peak.
Great Buddha
My first stop today was to Kamakura's famed Daibutsu, or Great Buddha, statue at Kotokuin Temple. Sitting at 11.4 meters tall, the Daibutsu is Japan's second tallest bronze Buddha statue, second only to Todaiji Temple's in Nara.
While the grounds around Kotokuin don't feature a large amount of autumn foliage, the few seasonal trees around the Buddha add a nice splash of color to this impressive location. Today, the colors were a little bit past their best viewing period, but were still nice in a few spots.
This will definitely be the last week in Kamakura to catch the colors while they're still around, so come sooner than later if you're considering a koyo trip here.

Hasedera Temple
My next stop for the day was to Hasedera Temple, just a 5-minute walk away from the Daibutsu. This temple complex, built upon a small hill, features several momiji (Japanese maple) trees around its pleasant garden walkways that give it some pretty color during the season.
Today, the colors here (as at the Daibutsu), were quite nice, though perhaps a little beyond the height of their peak. I expect they will remain nice through the end of the week here.
The temple is also currently having a nighttime illumination event to spotlight the foliage after dark. The event lasts until December 10, from sunset to 18:30 each night.

Zuisenji Temple
After exploring the Hase neighborhood, I made my way east up into the mountains to the secluded Zuisenji Temple. Zuisenji is considered one of the most important temples in the Zen sect of Buddhism, and visitors have admired its founder's gardens for centuries, including the grounds' generous autumn foliage.
The colors around the grounds today were very much at their peak, thanks again to the large number of late-changing momiji (Japanese maple) trees here, and I estimate they'll be nice through the coming weekend.

Engakuji Temple
My last stop today was Engakuji Temple, located on the north side of Kamakura just a few steps away from Kita-Kamakura Station. This large temple complex is another of the city's best koyo spots, with dozens of momiji and ginko trees scattered throughout the grounds.
Today's colors at Engakuji were happily worth the short trip here. The colors seemed to be at their best today, and again, barring inclement weather or an extreme temperature drop, should be good through this week.

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